
Pokémon Go Raids - Level requirement, how Raid Battles, Raid Bosses, counters, Raid Rewards and Raid Passes work

Pokémon Go Raid Battles  are a new feature added to the game as part of a larger Gym Rework. Available now for select players, Raids see players work together to take down powerful Pokémon named  Raid Bosses  - with exclusive rewards up for grabs - as well as the chance to finally catch those elusive Legendary Pokémon  in the coming weeks. Though Raid Battles aren't live for everyone just yet, we understand how they work and the best ways to tackle them. What is the Raid level requirement in Pokémon Go? Raid Battles are currently available in select Gyms for Trainers over level 5, with plans to expand the pool to more trainers in the coming days:  Follow Pokémon GO   ✔ @PokemonGoApp Raid Battles are now available for all Trainers Level 5 and above at a wide range of Gyms around the world!  http:// ollout  … 8:16 PM - 30 Jun 2017     994 994 Retweets     5,030 5,030 likes Twitter Ads info and privacy

Progress in the fight against bots: The New Anti-Cheat Bot Detection

Hey travelers, Hope your Adventure Week is yielding you troves of buddy candy. :) This weekend Niantic rolled out a new major anti-cheat measure to help level the playing field, only 16 days after the anti-spawn-sniping measures were added. But as details were hazy, no megathread emerged on the topic with accurate information. We're going to attempt to share what  is  known, however, and the Silph Road team's analysis of what may be going on to help curb the spread of misinformation on the Road. Bot Accounts Are Receiving 'Shadowbans' Midday Saturday EST, reports started emerging that something was amiss in botting communities. Some accounts suddenly stopped finding Pokemon at certain known spawnpoints. It turned out that they were incapable of seeing anything more than very common species. These bot accounts weren't being "banned" outright, but they  were  apparently 'flagged' as illicit. Huge numbers of bot accounts were being flagge

List of moves in other languages

List of moves in other languages Index English  Kana  Rōmaji  French  German  Italian Spanish Hangul  Romanized 1 Pound はたく Hataku Écras'Face Pfund Botta Destructor 막치기 Makchigi 2 Karate Chop からてチョップ Karate Chop Poing-Karaté Karateschlag Colpokarate Golpe Karate 태권당수 Taegweon Dangsu 3 Double Slap おうふくビンタ Ōfuku Binta Torgnoles Duplexhieb Doppiasberla Doble Bofetón 연속뺨치기 Yeonsok Ppyamchigi 4 Comet Punch れんぞくパンチ Renzoku Punch Poing Comète Kometenhieb Cometapugno Puño Cometa 연속펀치 Yeonsok Punch 5 Mega Punch メガトンパンチ Megaton Punch Ultimapoing Megahieb Megapugno Megapuño 메가톤펀치 Megaton Punch 6 Pay Day ネコにこばん Neko ni Koban Jackpot Zahltag Giornopaga Día de Pago 고양이돈받기 Goyang'i Donbatgi 7 Fire Punch ほのおのパンチ Honō no Punch Poing de Feu Feuerschlag Fuocopugno Puño Fuego 불꽃펀치 Bulkkot Punch 8 Ice Punch れいとうパンチ Reitō Punch Poing-Glace Eishieb Gelopugno Puño Hielo 냉동펀치 Naengdong Punch 9 Thunder Punch かみなりパンチ Kaminari Punch Poing-Éclair Donnerschlag Tuonopugno Puño Trueno 번개펀치 Beonga